Saturday, September 6, 2008

Looking for Memories

In addition to posting music created by old Ozark punk bands, I’d also like to start writing some pieces on the history of the scene. The thing I love most about punk is that it’s not just a musical movement, although that part of it is very important. Punk is also very much a subculture, a place for social outcasts to become friends and express their individuality. I’m planning to write a series of pieces on the important venues, events, and people who helped make the scene what it was. If anybody has stories or pictures from the old scene they’d like to share, please send them my way. I’d also like to find out if there’s still a punk scene shaking in southwest Missouri. I moved out of the Ozarks several years ago, and it’s my impression that the punk scene there kind of got swallowed up by the emo and hardcore movements. However, I’d love to be proven wrong.


Mike said...

Many Joplin shows held at rental halls, which came cheap with few restrictions. The most common rentals were the ATA Hall (Anti-horse Thief Association), at 20th and Tyler, and The Cow Palace, a former livestock auction at Newman and Rangeline. Shows booked at the ATA Hall throughout the 90s; The Cow Palace saw its last action in about 94. The GG Allin gig might have been the last or near last show before the palace was demolished. Dedicated venues included The Warehouse (93-94), Culture Shock (94-95), Dead Cowboy (95), The Grind (95-97), and Better Than Bemo's (98-?). Probably the most significant Joplin venue was at 12th and Joplin, now KS Sheet Metal & Fabrication, in 91-92. Someone else will have to tell you the name. Whatever it was called, it was definitely Joplin's formative venue and really opened things up by hosting bands from Joplin, Springfield and Fayetteville along with touring bands, including punk and hardcore, but often representing four of five genres in a single night. Denny's was a huge part of it too. There was a period of years where you'd find a cast of characters involved in the scene mixing it up at Denny's every single night.

Brian Damage said...

I can tell y6ou some stories man just contact me by email at


Unknown said...

Hey Gabe don't know if you still check this or not but I'm on a search for anything from the GG All in almost show in Joplin. Got anything? I'm really searching for pics.